Friday, November 20, 2009

I got the news!

So...I had gotten an e-mail today. It stated unfortunately, the west seattle blog is too busy right now to sit with me in an interview. I guess they have been traveling and I completely understand I mean come on, its the west seattle blog. So it said to get back at them in January. I will. I am persistent and determine to sit with them for an interview. I mean Tracy and Patrick are awesome people, and very understanding so there will be a time for me to sit with them, one of these days. And I know Im dragging this on a bit, but its only because it dissapointed me to find this out. I guess thats some of the falls of a journalist. Knowing that there are days when you dont get your way. I feel like I have to compete with everyone when it comes to this industry. I mean, have youever checked out the other blogs on blogspot. They are more compelling than mines, but I have to sercom to the fact that, thats what journalism is all about and to be a journalist you shouldnt COMPARE or CONTRAST the difficiency of your work with others. Im young, I still need time to ajust.

Note: this blog was written in October, I just uploaded them today. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. This looks great! I will read everything in the next couple of days and get back to you.
