Friday, February 12, 2010

How to watch tv news by Neil Postman revised by Steve Powers

Chapter 1: Are you watching television, or is television watching you? For one chapter, it is surely powerful. Already in the beginning I have inflicted this emotion of dismay not towards the novel, towards myself. You see, in the opening sentence it says, " Chances are you have at least one television set in your home that is used by most members of your family." Which is true, I do have a television set in my household, I have more than one. And yes, every member of my family watch the television set so already I knew I was going to read something that would make me humiliated as a person and it did. Now, in my career we are to view many news and whatever catastrophic occurs we as journalist are suppose to be on top of it. Well, as I read on, I realized I am by far the worse journalist, I am closer to a Gossip collumnist which is basically the bottom of the pit in Journalism. The average news that is consumed in our world today is not close to the reality shows, sitcoms, documentaries that are viewed. 20% of news is viewed and its decreasing as time goes by. We as a society have given up on the importance that television has given us, to see what the world is really goilng through.

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